Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day Prime Rib

Here's may latest attempt at creating rare/medium rare prime rib. This method is slow roasting, and it goes like this:

1. I'm using a 5-pound roast, take out of refrigerator and let rise to room temp for 2.5 hours.

2. Preheat oven to 200 degrees.

3. Heat up a cast iron roaster to very hot, and add some oil in the bottom. Seer the roast on all sides for 3 minutes each. Sprinkle liberally with cracked pepepr and salt.

4. When all sides are browned, transfer to baking rack and slow roast in oven at 200 degress for approx 45-55 minutes per pound. Insert meat thermometer and pull roast at 125. Tent with foil and let rest for at least 15 minutes before carving.

Try this method, take pictures and send me your comments on how tender your roast came out. Enjoy!

***UPDATE***: Everything I wrote here worked well, except for the timing. This piece of meat cooked way faster than 45 minutes per pound. Unfortunately, we decided to go out and do some shopping, and when we got back the thermometer was already at 137, not to mention what it probably rose to as it rested.

So obviously it was not tender nad it was not juicy. Definitely cooked medium which I do not like. Bottom line is cook with the thermometer, pull it at 125 degrees and don't leave the house while it's cooking, duh?!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Post for a Friend

On Monday April 28, 2008 we received very bad news that a family member of ours, Mark, was diagnosed with Lung Cancer at age 53. I wanted to mark this day for the purpose of remembering important dates and milestones in our lives. As I get older, I lose track of what happened in what year.

We don't know Mark's prognosis yet, we should know more this week. I also included a picture I took of Mark at his 50th Birthday Party three years ago.

My mother attended his 50th party with us, and she died two months later after a heart repair operation. She had no idea that within two months she would be dead, and Mark would be diagnosed with a deadly disease within three years.

Update: (May 9th). My 44th birthday came yesterday, and Carol made a great dinner of homemade Manacotti, meatballs, garlic sticks from Petty's Meat Market, and a dessert of cannoli, which is one of my favorites.

Today we heard about Mark's condition, he has Stage 3 lung cancer, and a lump under his arm which means the cancer is in his lymph nodes. Not good.

Update: (July 1, 2008) Basically, 64 days later and Mark died today. He was rushed to the hospital from his job at Percepta, with a lot of blood loss. I don't know if he ever regained consciousness, but he died at around 5:00PM tonight.

53 years old, stage 3B lung cancer, dead. Think about that the next time you reach for that cigarette.